About us

Grange Electrical Suppliers are an Independent Electrical wholesaler servicing the electrical industry in the greater Sydney Area with our Head Office located in Gregory Hills and our newest store located in Picton.

We pride ourselves in providing a wide range of products and services that we sourced from a variety of suppliers making sure you get the best products and service that the industry has to offer. We understand that as a business owner, your time is precious! And you need a proactive service that delivers what you need when you need it, That's why at Grange Electrical Suppliers, We Make it Simple!

Grange Electrical Suppliers also provide to the DIY market. We can assist in making informed decisions on products that are best to suit you as well as finding replacement parts for items in need of repair, whatever you're looking for Grange Electrical Suppliers Is here to help.

With our 60+ years of knowledge in the electrical industry and the backing provided by our suppliers, Grange Electrical Suppliers provide you with expert advice on products and service.

Feel free to drop in and view our extensive range of products! or phone today for a free quote on all your electrical needs Ph: 4648 2500

Grange Electrical Suppliers is located in Gregory Hills Business Park Unit 3, 35 Rodeo Rd Gregory Hills NSW 2557. Grange Electrical Suppliers recommends all electrical work be carried out by a licensed electrical contractor.

You can find our newest store at Unit 24 / 15 Henry Street Picton NSW 2571